
From staining to match a finish in various sheen levels, to artisanal specialist lacquer surfaces


We undertake all types of spray finishing from staining to match a finish in various sheen levels, to the application of artisanal specialist lacquer surfaces.

Our sheen levels can be from a matt finish at 10% sheen through to a high gloss mirror finish at 90% sheen. We also offer specialist lacquer finishes which include pearlescent lacquers, and can lacquer to any RAL colour.


 Special Lacquer Finishes

Sprayed, blown, trickled, layered, masked, splattered and textured, the techniques are endless – our skilled craftsmen embark on a journey to manipulate, shape and balance colours with textures, to create exquisite unique finishes for your bespoke projects.

Lacquer Spray Guns

Work with us to develop the most suitable and creative finishes for any situation. Commission us to create a bespoke finish as a new scheme, or to complement and enhance an existing scheme or item.

 You can see some examples of the lacquered finishes we offer below.